Our story started in 2009. We were just friends, Going to each others high school games, working together, hanging out etc. We lost touch when I , Arsandra, quit the job we were working together at the time. Years went by, and one day I posted a status stating I wanted to go to the movies! Fred inboxed me and said “Lets go!”
Of course, Im like, “Are you serious?” He said “Yes , its a date, be ready for 7”
So now I’m panicking, omg its 2012 , I havent talked to this guy in 3 almost 4 years , needless to say ……. I was ready for my date !
First date went well, second went well also , a couple months go by , && we became steady. Fred really knew what he wanted and I had no clue , this was about to be the ride of my life!
Fred stepped up as a man , a provider, a father, and a friend! He prayed with me, he prayed for me, we joined church together, we traveled together etc.
I remember calling my mom and saying, “Ma im in LOVEEEE” lol she responded, “Do he love you? “ lol
My mom and Fred grew very close with each other over the years , she called him her “Tucka”
We Definetely didnt have the perfect journey but it has been worth it! We experienced a friendship that through our bad/ tough times , we always remained friends!
Marriage is something that we talked about but we didn’t put any pressure on until we were ready! Because listen! I thought I was ready! Lol but honestly I wasnt. We broke up for a couple years— had time to grow, mature,and elevate our lives to present day!
We are so happy to now be prepared to become as one! Love is patient, oh so patient, love is kind, we took our time ! Our love is watered and blossoming ! Our story is special! OUR type of special !